Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

And, And, And

Peeking out from the corner of my desk blotter is a note, slowlyyellowing and bent from time.

It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences, but withenough impact to change my life forever.

In it, she praises my abilities as a writer without qualification.Each sentence is full with love, offering specific examples of what mypursuit has meant to her and my father.

The word "but" never appears on the card, however the word "and" isthere almost a half dozen times.

Every time I read it--which is almost every day--I am reminded to askmyself if I am doing the same thing for my daug

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: www.superaman.com/linae4699 ]

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