Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - ARLOJI YANG HILANGAda seorang tukang kayu. Suatu saat ketika sedang bekerja, secara tak disengaja arlojinya terjatuh dan terbenam di antara tingginya tumpukan serbuk kayu. Arloji itu adalah sebuah hadiah dan telah dipakainya cukup lama. Ia amat mencintai arloji tersebut. Karenanya ia berusaha sedapat mungkin untuk menemukan kembali arlojinya. Sambil mengeluh mempersalahkan keteledoran diri sendiri si tukang kayu itu membongkar tumpukan serbuk yang tinggi itu. Teman-teman pekerja yang lain juga turut membantu mencarinya. Namun sia-sia saja. Arloji kesayangan itu tetap tak ditemukan. Tibalah saat makan siang. Para pekerja serta pemilik arloji tersebut dengan semangat yang lesu meninggalkan bengkel kayu tersebut. Saat itu seorang anak yang sejak tadi memperhatikan mereka mencari arloji itu, datang mendekati tumpukan serbuk kayu tersebut. Ia menjongkok dan mencari. Tak berapa lama berselang ia telah menemukan kembali arloji kesayangan si tukang kayu tersebut. Tentu si tukang kayu itu....
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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - HIDUP ADALAH ANUGERAHPada suatu hari ada seorang gadis buta yg sangat membenci dirinya sendiri. Karena kebutaannya itu. Tidak hanya terhadap dirinya sendiri, tetapi dia juga membenci semua orang kecuali kekasihnya. Kekasihnya selalu ada disampingnya untuk menemani dan menghiburnya. Dia berkata akan menikahi gadisnya itu kalau gadisnya itu sudah bisa melihat dunia. Suatu hari, ada seseorang yang mendonorkan sepasang mata kepada gadisnya itu Yang akhirnya dia bisa melihat semua hal, termasuk kekasih gadisnya itu . Kekasihnya bertanya kepada gadisnya itu , ” Sayangggg … sekarang kamu sudah bisa melihat dunia. Apakah engkau mau menikah denganku?” Gadis itu terguncang saat melihat bahwa kekasihnya itu ternyata buta. Dan dia menolak untuk menikahi si pria pacar-nya itu yg selama ini sudah sangat setia sekali mendampingi hidupnya selama si gadis itu buta matanya. Dan akhirnya si Pria kekasihnya itu pergi dengan meneteskan air mata, dan kemudian menuliskan sepucuk surat singkat kepada gadisnya itu, “Sa....
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Jumat, 13 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - CINTA TITIK1. Cinta sejati tidak sama dengan nafsu Cinta dan nafsu sering kali membingungkan kita. Sebenernya, kebanyakan tema film, lagu, novel bukanlah tentang cinta, melainkan nafsu. Bagaimana membedakanya? cinta tahan uji, … nafsu mudah luntur … cinta menghargai … nafsu memanfaatkan … Daya tarik fisik sering kali menjadi satu sinyal awal dari tumbuhnya Cinta sejati, tapi itu belum jadi cinta sejati. 2. Cinta tidak sama dengan keromantisan Perasaan romantis memang luar biasa dalam hubungan dekat antara pria dan wanita. Tuhan memang merancang agar kita mengalami perasaan seperti ini dalam hubungan istimewa dengan lawan jenis. Namun gairah dan kehangatan romansa tidak dapat disamakan dengan cinta. Keromantisan merupakan suatu perasaan; sedangkan cinta sejati masih memiliki makna yang jauh lebih dalam lagi. 3. Cinta sejati tidak sama dengan tergila-gila Perasaan tergila-gila adalah daya tarik dan gairah yang kuat dalam diri seseorang terhadap lawan jenisnya. Kamu akan memikirkan d....
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Kamis, 12 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - KUPU-KUPUSeseorang menemukan kepompong seekor kupu-kupu. Suatu hari lubang kecil muncul dari kepompong. Orang itu duduk dan mengamati selama beberapa jam bagaimana si kupu-kupu berjuang memaksa dirinya melewati lubang kecil itu. Kemudian kupu-kupu itu berhenti membuat kemajuan. Kelihatannya dia telah berusaha semampunya dan dia tidak bisa lebih jauh lagi. Akhirnya orang tersebut memutuskan untuk membantunya, dia ambil sebuah gunting dan memotong sisa kekangan dari kepompong itu. Kupu-kupu tersebut keluar dengan mudahnya. Ternyata, Kupu-kupu itu mempunyai tubuh yang gembung dan kecil, dan sayapnya mengkerut. Orang tersebut terus mengamatinya karena dia berharap bahwa, pada suatu saat, sayap-sayap itu akan mekar dan melebar sehingga mampu menopang tubuhnya, yg mungkin akan berkembang dalam waktu. Ternyata Semuanya tak pernah terjadi. kupu-kupu itu menghabiskan sisa hidupnya merangkak di sekitarnya dengan tubuh gembung dan sayap-sayap mengkerut. Dia tidak pernah bisa terbang. Kebaikan dan ket....
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Minggu, 08 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - DARIMANA KEBAHAGIAN ITU SEBENARNYA? John C Maxwell suatu ketika pernah didapuk menjadi seorang pembicara di sebuah seminar bersama istrinya. Ia dan istrinya, Margaret, diminta menjadi pembicara pada beberapa sesi secara terpisah. Ketika Maxwell sedang menjadi pembicara, istrinya selalu duduk di barisan terdepan dan mendengarkan seminar suaminya. Sebaliknya, ketika Margaret sedang menjadi pembicara di salah satu sesi, suaminya selalu menemaninya dari bangku paling depan. Ceritanya, suatu ketika sang istri, Margaret, sedang menjadi pembicara di salah satu sesi seminar tentang kebahagiaan. Seperti biasa, Maxwell duduk di bangku paling depan dan mendengarkan. Dan di akhir sesi, semua pengunjung bertepuk tangan. Yang namanya seminar selalu ada interaksi dua arah dari peserta seminar juga kan? (Kalau satu arah mah namanya khotbah :) Di sesi tanya jawab itu, setelah beberapa pertanyaan, seorang ibu mengacungkan tangannya untuk bertanya. Ketika diberikan kesempatan, pertanyaan ibu itu seperti ini, "Miss....
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Jumat, 06 Desember 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - MUNGKIN YA, MUNGKIN TIDAKPada jaman dahulu, ada sebuah desa di mana tinggal seorang tua yang sangat bijaksana. Penduduk desa percaya bahwa orang tua itu selalu dapat menjawab pertanyaan mereka atau memecahkan persoalan mereka. Suatu hari, seorang petani di desa itu datang menemui orang tua yang bijak ini dan berkata dengan putus asa, “Pak Tua yang bijaksana, tolonglah saya. Saya sedang mendapat musibah. Kerbau saya mati dan saya tak punya binatang lain yang dapat membajak sawah! Bukankah ini musibah paling buruk yang menimpa saya?” Orang tua yang bijak tersebut menjawab, “Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak.” Petani itu bergegas kembali ke desa dan menceritakan kepada tetangga-tetangganya bahwa orang tua yang bijak itu kini sudah menjadi gila. Tentu saja inilah musibah terburuk yang dialaminya. Mengapa orang tua itu tidak melihatnya? Namun, keesokan harinya tiba-tiba muncul seekor kuda yang masih muda dan kuat di dekat tanah milik petani itu. Karena tak punya kerbau lagi untuk membajak sawahnya, petani itu ber....
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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - CERITA GUNUNGSeorang anak dan ayahnya sedang berjalan diatas gunung. Tiba tiba, anaknya terjatuh, Dia terluka dan berteriak : "AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!." Tetapi Ia sangat kaget mendengar ada suara pantulan dari gunung sebelah."AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!." Dengan penuh rasa penasaran, diapun kembali berteriak : "Siapa kamu?" Diapun menerima kembali jawaban yang sama : Siapa kamu?" dan kemudian dia berteriak ke gunung itu: "Saya mengagumimu!" dan suara itupun kembali : "Saya mengagumimu!." Dengan muka marah pada jawaban itu, dia berteriak : "Penakut" Dia masih menerima jawaban yang sama, "Penakut!." Dia menatap ayahnya dan bertanya : "Apa yang sedang terjadi?" Ayahnya sembari tersenyum dan berkata : "Sayang, perhatikan." Kembali ayah akan berteriak : "Kamu Juara." Diapun menerima jawaban yang sama : "Kamu Juara." Anak ini kembali kaget dan tidak mengerti mengapa itu bisa terjadi, kemudian Ayahnya menjelaskan bahwa itulah yang disebut dengan ECHO (Gema suara), tetapi itulah sesungguhnya hidup. Sega....
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Kamis, 05 Desember 2013


Cheng Beng, Hari Penghormatan Leluhur Setiap tanggal 4 atau 5 April, menurut tradisi Tionghoa, adalah hari Cheng Beng (Mandarin: Qingming). Di mana menurut tradisi Tionghoa, orang akan beramai-ramai pergi ke tempat pemakaman orang tua atau para leluhurnya untuk melakukan upacara penghormatan. Biasanya upacara penghormatan ini dilakukan dengan berbagai jenis, misalnya saja membersihkan kuburan, menebarkan kertas sampai dengan membakar kertas yang sering dikenal dengan Gincua (mandarin: Yinzhi=kertas perak). Cheng beng adalah salah satu dari 24 Jieqi yang ditentukan berdasarkan posisi bumi terhadap matahari. Pada Kalender Gregorian AWAL (bukan akhir!) Cheng beng jatuh pada tanggal 5 April atau 4 April. Bila kita artikan kata Cheng beng, maka Cheng berarti cerah dan Beng artinya terang sehingga bila digabungkan maka Chengbeng berarti terang dan cerah. Saat Chengbeng ideal untuk berziarah dan membersihkan makam karena cuaca yang bagus (cuaca cerah, langit terang). Apalagi pada jaman dah....
Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Eni Kusuma: Belajar adalah Hak Saya!

Profesi sebagai pembantu rumah tangga atau TKW di negeri orang, sering dipandang sebelah mata. Sekalipun, mereka adalah penyumbang devisa negara yang tidak bisa disepelekan jumlahnya. Mereka punya peran untuk keluarga maupun bangsanya, walau penghargaan maupun perlindungan terhadap mereka sangatlah minim. Tak heran jika yang sering kita dengar adalah kisah-kisah pilu tentang tidak berdayanya para TKW ini.

Namun, Eni Kusuma, membalikkan semua pandangan tersebut. Enam tahun menjalani profesi sebagai pembantu rumah tangga di Hong Kong, Eni berhasil pulang dengan membawa sesuatu. Bukan harta yan

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Kamis, 25 Juli 2013


Salah satu kekhasan pemimpin yang baik, justru harus mengenal, kapan kita bisa mematikan ide kreatif seorang teman atau team kerjamu. Dengan mengenal caranya, engkau akan menemukan cara baru untuk menyuburkan ide kreatif dari anggota team kerjamu! Caranya mudah untuk mematikan ide anggota team kerjamu: Janganlah menatap matanya, tetapi lihatlah barang di sekitarnya, atau tunduk saja saat dia mengajak engkau bicara! Katakanlah padanya, "Siapa yang tanya, penting apa idemu buatku?" Tempatkanlah ide temanmu itu dengan cara "brainstorming": Emang idemu itu satu-satunya yang benar apa? Masih banya

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Rabu, 17 Juli 2013


Seorang Raja, mempunyai anak tunggal yg pemberani, terampil dan pintar. Untuk menyempurnakan pengetahuannya, ia mengirimnya kepada seorang pertapa bijaksana. "Berikanlah pencerahan padaku tentang Jalan Hidupku" Sang Pangeran meminta. "Kata-kataku akan memudar laksana jejak kakimu di atas pasir", ujar Pertapa. "Saya akan berikan petunjuk padamu, di Jalan Hidupmu engkau akan menemui 3 pintu. Bacalah kata-kata yang tertulis di setiap pintu dan ikuti kata hatimu." Sekarang pergilah sang Pertapa menghilang dan Pangeran melanjutkan perjalanannya. Segera ia menemukan sebuah pintu besar yang di atasn

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Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

4 Internet Marketing Tips For a Successful Online Home Business

1. Building back links - In order for you to be successful with your online business, you have to promote your website. How am I going to do it? Well, when you think about it, the internet is nothing else than a mass of links and back links. For example, when your website URL is placed on another webmaster's site, it is a very valuable link. In order to get a high ranking within the search engines, it is important to get as many back links as possible. There are many ways to build back links for your site. Some of the examples are article marketing, exchanging links with other similar sites th

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(Bukan) Bernalar, (Tapi) Berakal

Konsep dan pengertian tentang sesuatu adalah hasil penalaran berpikir berbasiskan pengamatan inderawi (observasi empirik). Pola pemahaman berdasarkan pengamatan kejadian sejenis membentuk proposisi–proposisi; dan berdasarkan sejumlah proposisi yang diketahui atau dianggap benar, lantas orang menyimpulkan sebuah “teorema baru” yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui. Siklus ini disebut proses menalar.

Me(makai)-nalar identik dengan memanfaatkan jejak probabilitas kejadian masa lalu, sebaliknya mencari akal adalah mengundang posibilitas masa depan. Kesuksesan selalu hal baru, tak pernah berulang

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Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Menguasai Pasar dan Survive dalam Persaingan

28 Pebruari 2006 – 11:08    (Andrie Wongso)   Diposting oleh: Editor

(Rate: 0 / 0 votes)

Dalam sejarah ahli perang Sun Tzu, tertoreh catatan tentang adu strategi dalam perang demi memenangkan peperangan, yaitu penyatuan kerajaan-kerajaan di Tiongkok pada masa itu. Memang, tantangan kerajaan-kerajaan di Tiongkok waktu itu adalah ekspansi wilayah. Tujuannya tak lain supaya kerajaan mendapatkan penguasaan tanah yang lebih luas, memperbesar kekuasaan atau pengaruh politik, sekaligus mencegah munculnya agresor.

Dalam dunia bisnis, tantangannya kurang lebih sama. Perusahaan harus sel

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Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

This is Good!

The story is told of a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom hegrew up. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that everoccurred in his life (positive or negative) and remarking, "This is good!"

One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. Thefriend would load and prepare the guns for the king. The friend hadapparently done something wrong in preparing one of the guns, for aftertaking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blownoff.

Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, "This is good!"

To which the kin

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Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013


Seorang pensiunan guru berjalan menuju kasir di K-Mart, supermarket yang lumayan terkenal di kota itu. Kaki kirinya terasa sakit, ia berharap tidak lupa untuk meminum semua pilnya tadi pagi. Satu pil untuk tekanan darah tinggi, satu pil untuk pusing-pusing, dan satu pil lagi untuk penyakit rematiknya yang kadang kambuh. “Syukurlah aku telah pensiun beberapa tahun lalu” katanya kepada diri sendiri. “Masihkah aku kuat mengajar anak-anak sekarang ?” Begitu tiba di depan antrian kasir yang penuh, ia melihat seorang lelaki dengan empat orang anak beserta istrinya yang hamil. Mantan guru itu

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Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Dove Chocolate Discoveries - Discover Your Way To Success

Starting your own home-based business is basically becoming a trend for individuals who wish to make more money while still sticking with their day jobs. Dove Chocolate Discoveries is a party plan company that offers you and everyone else with the chance to start your own business without having to do that much. Dove Chocolate Discoveries offers its Chocolatiers the chance to organize and host their own Tasting Parties and invite as many people as they can. From this pool of individuals, you can easily market your products through direct selling and engage them in conversations that can actual

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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Best Network Marketing Companies - Spotting the Best!

Finding the best network marketing companies can be very difficult. Today, the internet has given so many of us so much to be grateful for however; it is still left to us to make very good use of the many opportunities that the internet has brought to us to make sure we are on top. Empowering people to take action on creating financial freedom for themselves by making money online is what today is all about especially with the rate at which unemployment is becoming the order of the day. Sitting down to wait for someone to set up a company and hire you is a practical waste of time.

There are s

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My Brother, My Stranger

Two different worlds, yet bonded by one manby the warm touch of our father's handI kept him with me, in my lifeknowing you needed him through all your struggles and strifenow all I can do is dwell on years I let go byI realize brother you have left me; it is time for you to flybut why, you were so youngwhy didn't I get to know you, the years were so short yet so longI recall as a child looking into your eyes and you into mineand somehow feeling safe as you whispered "baby everything will be fine."I can still hear you know from heaven up aboveyou are saying that in God and in Heaven you will al

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Minggu, 30 Juni 2013


Seorang anak laki-laki menarik tangan adik perempuannya dan berkata: "Lihat, kita tidak pernah merasakan kebahagiaan semenjak ibu kita meninggal. Ibu tiri kita selalu memukuli kita setiap hari, dan kita tidak berani berada di dekatnya karena dia selalu menendang kita untuk menjauh darinya. Kita tidak pernah dapat makanan yang baik kecuali remah-remah dan sisa-sisa roti. Seandainya saja ibu kita masih hidup dan tahu semua penderitaan kita ini! Mari ikutlah denganku, mari kita tinggalkan rumah ini." Lalu kakak beradik itupun meninggalkan rumah ibu tirinya, berjalan seharian penuh, dan saat hujan

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Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013


Dahulu kala, ada seorang pemuda yang tampan dan gagah. Ia bernama Awang Sukma. Awang Sukma mengembara sampai ke tengah hutan belantara. Ia tertegun melihat aneka macam kehidupan di dalam hutan. Ia membangun sebuah rumah pohon di sebuah dahan pohon yang sangat besar. Kehidupan di hutan rukun dan damai. Setelah lama tinggal di hutan, Awang Sukma diangkat menjadi penguasa daerah itu dan bergelar Datu. Sebulan sekali, Awang Sukma berkeliling daerah kekuasaannya dan sampailah ia di sebuah telaga yang jernih dan bening. Telaga tersebut terletak di bawah pohon yg rindang dengan buah-buahan yang banya

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Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

7 Steps To Online Success

The 7 steps to online success is what you really need to do if your going to do well online. When you break it down to simple terms it's really not that complicated. In fact it's simple. Everybody wants a internet business or a work from home business but few can figure out how it is done.

Before we get into the 7 steps to online success let's go back in time first. The industrial revolution which was a 100 year boom of change shaped the world that we live in today. There were countless advances in technology from 1750 through 1850 and it effected the daily lives of many different cultures ac

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I Love You, Honey (2)

They have been married for two years. He loves literature, and often posts his work on the net, but nobody ever reads them. He is also into photography, and he handle their wedding photos. He loves her very much. Likewise with her. She has a quick temper, and always bullies him. He is a gentleman, and always gives in to her. Today, she's being "willful" again.

Her: "Why can't you be the photographer for my friend's wedding? She promised she'd pay." Him: "I don't have time that day." Her: "Humph!" Him: "Huh?" Her: "Don't have time? Write less of those novels, and you will have all the time yo

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Ada dua gadis bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan yang sama. Nona Wang dan Chang. Keduanya memiliki karakter yang berbeda dan karenanya tak dapat sharing atau bertukar pikiran bersama. Walaupun keduanya tidak saling membenci, namun mereka bukanlah sahabat karib dan tak saling mengagumi cara kerja serta sifat masing-masing. Suatu hari, nona Chang meminta teman kerja yang lain, Pak Chou, untuk menegur nona Wang agar ia memperbaiki serta mengontrol dorongan emosinya. Sebab kalau tidak demikian, tak akan ada orang yang mau berteman dengannya. Demikian alasan nona Chang. Pak Chou menyetujui permintaan n

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Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013


Seorang gadis muda dan cantik, mengirimkan surat ke sebuah majalah terkenal, dengan judul: "Apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk dapat menikah dengan pria kaya?" Isi suratnya sebagai berikut: Saya akan jujur, tentang apa yang akan coba saya katakan di sini. Tahun ini saya berumur 25 tahun. Saya sangat cantik, mempunyai selera yang bagus akan fashion. Saya ingin menikahi seorang pria dengan penghasilan minimal $500ribu/tahun. Anda mungkin berpikir saya matre, tapi penghasilan $1juta/tahun hanya dianggap sebagai kelas menengah di New York. Persyaratan saya tidak tinggi. Apakah ada di forum ini yan

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Full Moon

As I sat on the park bench enjoying the cool night air and gazing at thepeople who were taking a break from the rest of the world, two young lovers passed me by. And I overheard the woman say, "Honey, why can't the moon always be this full and beautiful as it is tonight?"

He replied, "I don't know dear, but I am glad we were blessed enough to seeanother one together."And that made me, well at first shed a tear at their exchanged words, butthen it made me ask myself, "Why doesn't it?"

Then, of course, knowing me, I thought and thought some more. Then Iconcluded, how can we ask the moon tocons

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Jumat, 21 Juni 2013


Sebuah kisah kecil tentang seorang gadis mungil berumur lima tahun. Setelah menabung sekian waktu dan setelah menampung uang sebesar dua dollar, akhirnya ia berhasil membeli seutas kalung permata dari sebuah kios kecil di samping rumahnya, sebuah kalung tiruan. Jenny, demikian nama gadis cilik ini, sungguh amat mencintai kalung permata tersebut. Ia merasa bahwa permata tersebut telah membuatnya nampak bagaikan seorang bidadari. Ia akan mengenakan kalung tersebut dalam kesempatan apapun, entah ke sekolah minggu, ke sekolah Taman Kanak-kanak, bahkan juga di saat tidur malam. Jenny memiliki seora

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Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

3 Character Traits of Every Successful Network Marketing Professional

It's a fact that the ratio of people who really become successful in the network marketing business is a lot lower than what most people expect but this is because of two main elements. The first element is because they did not yet grasp the essence of network marketing and the second element is that they lack the three essential character traits that mark a successful network marketer.

Below are the essential character traits that you will find in most successful network marketers. You could be hard-working and diligent but without these traits you'll always hit a dead-end. They are the trai

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True Story of Courage and Love

Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a water puddle ahead on the path. I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water and mud. As I reached the puddle, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack was so unpredictable and from a source so totally unexpected. I was startled as well as unhurt, despite having been struck four or five times already. I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me. Instead of attacking more, he hovered in the air on graceful butterfly wings in front of me. Had I been hurt I wouldn'

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Ya Tuhan ambillah kesombonganku dariku. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak. Bukan Aku yang mengambil, tapi kau yang harus menyerahkannya." Ya Tuhan sempurnakanlah kekurangan anakku yang cacat. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak. Jiwanya telah sempurna, tubuhnya hanyalah sementara." Ya Tuhan beri aku kesabaran. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak. Kesabaran didapat dari ketabahan dalam menghadapi cobaan; tidak diberikan, kau harus meraihnya sendiri." Ya Tuhan beri aku kebahagiaan. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak. Kuberi keberkahan, kebahagiaan tergantung kepadamu sendiri." Ya Tuhan jauhkan aku dari kesusahan. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak. Penderitaan

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7 Attributes of Emerging Leaders

Do you know what it takes to be an emerging leader? There are 3 types of people in this business: alphas, pre-alphas, and betas. This is according to Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring". The transition from beta to alpha is really one of the foundational keys to success in our industry, and that phase is emerging leadership.

When you go in to business for yourself, it is the beginnings of emerging leadership. Becoming an entrepreneur is really an acceptance that you are going in to a lifetime study of developing in to that role of dominance that will dictate your success. And for all intensi

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Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

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3 Character Traits of Every Successful Network Marketing Professional

It's a fact that the ratio of people who really become successful in the network marketing business is a lot lower than what most people expect but this is because of two main elements. The first element is because they did not yet grasp the essence of network marketing and the second element is that they lack the three essential character traits that mark a successful network marketer.

Below are the essential character traits that you will find in most successful network marketers. You could be hard-working and diligent but without these traits you'll always hit a dead-end. They are the trai

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Guy and Eva - Helping You On Your Way To Success

Backed with a decade of experience in the direct sales industry, Daniel Choi founded Guy and Eva with a mission to serve consultants and help them find success through a transparent, honest, and good old fashioned work. The direct sales company, which started offering its products on online specialty boutiques, has been selling fashion jewelries at home parties exclusively since 2009. If you're wondering how the company name came to be, the "Guy and Eva" was a spin from the biblical names of Adam and Eve. It was decided upon after hours and hours of toiling over different names.

The company's

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Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

3 Great Tips for Building Your Business

Awesome, now you have a business - but how do you build it? Where do you go from here? You've come a long way with deciding WHAT business you want; now, you need to make it yours and make it profitable for your family. Below are 3 great tips for building your business big

1) Persistence: No matter how you choose to build your business, if you do not do it persistently and with dedication, each and every day, it will be all for not. Persistence is the key to any business opportunity - no "biz opp" is going to be profitable and lucrative right off of the bat, and to expect such is expecting som

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My Miraculous Family

I never considered myself unique, but people are constantly tellingme, "I am a miracle." To me, I was just an ordinary "guy" withrealistic goals and big dreams. I was a 19-year-old student at theUniversity of Texas and well on my way toward fulfilling my "bigdream" of one day becoming an orthopedic surgeon.

On the night of February 17, 1981 I was studying for an OrganicChemistry test at the library with Sharon, my girlfriend of threeyears. Sharon had asked me to drive her back to her dormitory as itwas getting quite late. We got into my car, not realizing that justgetting into a car would

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5 Characteristics of a Great Network Marketing Opportunity

For working Americans Network Marketing (also known as Multi-Level Marketing) offers an unparalleled opportunity to achieve true financial independence. Unlike any other industry, Network Marketing does not require any special skill set and contrary to popular opinion, sales skills are not required. In fact, it is actually best that this not be viewed as a sales job. Despite the fact that this not about "selling", a lot of people join a Network Marketing company only fail miserably. Worse, they become completely disenchanted with the industry and give up. In this report I will explore wha

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Seorang anak lelaki kecil masuk ke sebuah apotik, menarik peti minuman dan meletakkannya di dekat telepon umum. Ia naik ke atasnya sehingga dapat mencapai tombol-tombol yang ada pada telepon. Lalu mulailah ia menekan tombol sampai tujuh digit. Saya menyimak percakapannya. Ia berkata, "Bu, apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk membersihkan kebun Anda?" Wanita di telepon itu menjawab, "Saya sudah membayar seseorang untuk membersihkannya." "Bu, Anda dapat membayar saya setengah harga saja." Sepertinya wanita itu sudah puas dengan hasil kerja dari orang tersebut. Namun anak itu tak kenal putus as

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7 Steps To Online Success

The 7 steps to online success is what you really need to do if your going to do well online. When you break it down to simple terms it's really not that complicated. In fact it's simple. Everybody wants a internet business or a work from home business but few can figure out how it is done.

Before we get into the 7 steps to online success let's go back in time first. The industrial revolution which was a 100 year boom of change shaped the world that we live in today. There were countless advances in technology from 1750 through 1850 and it effected the daily lives of many different cultures ac

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Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

10 Big Mistakes Network Marketers Make

Mistake #1: Elevating the Prospect above Yourself.

Don't talk to prospects as if their time is more valuable than your time. You're the one offering them an opportunity that has the potential to change their life. You're the one who will support, coach and mentor them, if they're right for your team. You should actually interview the prospect to assess if they have the right profile for Multi Level Marketing. One of the wonderful aspects of network marketing is that you can choose who you work with, so choose wisely because you'll be spending a lot of time with those who you personally sponso

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Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

My Love

My Love,

You've asked what you can send me while I'm on cruise; those thingswhich I want but cannot get while on the ship thousands of miles away. Thelist was fairly easy to write. I suspect that it won't be so easy to fill the order.

Please send me autumn. Fill a box with that special chill the eveningsget that forebodes the cold of winter, that Jack Frost nip. Add the colorsof fall: theyellows, reds and browns of leaves whose cycle of life has ended. Send methe sound they make asyou shuffle through ankle-deep blankets of them scattered across the yard.Be sureto wrap some of the fragrant sm

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10 Tips on How to Build Your List Online

An online list is a way of keeping in touch with your customers through emails. The business can either be online or the normal day-to-day businesses. With this, you can keep in touch with your clients without using a lot of money to do so. How to build your online list to cater for all your clients can be a bit of a challenge. But with some professional help you can have a great list

The mailing list makes sure that you can get the feedback of your clients instantly and that a bonus. Another advantage of using mailing lists is that you can earn some extra cash by marketing a product. You ema

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Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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Finish Line

In December of 1992 I was a happy husband and father of two youngchildren. A month later, I was diagnosed with Acute LymphoplasticLuekemia.

After two years of chemoterapy that helped me into remission, my bodywas weak and lifeless. I felt as if I were a puppet who needed help tolift his arms or hold up his head.

I began to run. After six months my strength had come back. On oneof my runs, one where I felt I could run forever, I decided I was going totry to run a marathon.

After telling my Dad about my plan he told me of a program thattrains people to run a marathon, while raising funds

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Attraction Marketing Skills for the Novice, Intermediate and the Top Marketers

This is your chance to get some free training that can help you move your business, or any business in the right direction. The Purpose Of This Article is to make you more known to attraction marketing tips online, but before we do, here's a small example of how to attract targeted prospects to you.

The first way to do attraction marketing is to give away free invaluable content invariably providing good content constantly give you the optimum leads and results for your business online.

The first thing that you need is a blog sure that you can publish content and free training tips so people

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Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Advocare Success: Your Online Marketing Formula

Advocare success begins with the marketing...

You may have joined Advocare because you love the products, and that's all well and good, and it's really the reason why most people join. However, when you come aboard an opportunity such as this, it's important to consider all angles and plan the work ahead of you. Does the company actually give you an Advocare marketing plan? Or do they just leave it up to you? Most MLM companies will leave it entirely up to the distributor. After all, if they had a tremendous marketing strategy already laid out, what would they need you for? Contrary to popula

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Focus Your Thinking

On a clear, bright sunny day take powerful magnifying glass and a stack of newspapers and go outside for an experiment. Hold the magnifying glass over a pileof crumpled pages. Even though you are magnifying the power of the sun's rays throughthe glass lens, you will never start a fire - if you keep moving the glass.But if you hold the magnifying glass still, allowing it to focus the rays in a concentrated beam of sun energy, you harness the power of the sun and multiply it through the lens - startinga fire.Focusing also works with your power of thought! Try it and ignite your wanderin

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3 Character Traits of Every Successful Network Marketing Professional

It's a fact that the ratio of people who really become successful in the network marketing business is a lot lower than what most people expect but this is because of two main elements. The first element is because they did not yet grasp the essence of network marketing and the second element is that they lack the three essential character traits that mark a successful network marketer.

Below are the essential character traits that you will find in most successful network marketers. You could be hard-working and diligent but without these traits you'll always hit a dead-end. They are the trai

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3 Character Traits of Every Successful Network Marketing Professional

It's a fact that the ratio of people who really become successful in the network marketing business is a lot lower than what most people expect but this is because of two main elements. The first element is because they did not yet grasp the essence of network marketing and the second element is that they lack the three essential character traits that mark a successful network marketer.

Below are the essential character traits that you will find in most successful network marketers. You could be hard-working and diligent but without these traits you'll always hit a dead-end. They are the trai

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4 Internet Marketing Tips For a Successful Online Home Business

1. Building back links - In order for you to be successful with your online business, you have to promote your website. How am I going to do it? Well, when you think about it, the internet is nothing else than a mass of links and back links. For example, when your website URL is placed on another webmaster's site, it is a very valuable link. In order to get a high ranking within the search engines, it is important to get as many back links as possible. There are many ways to build back links for your site. Some of the examples are article marketing, exchanging links with other similar sites th

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Senin, 10 Juni 2013

An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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3 Good Reasons To Earn Residual Income

In this day and age, having more than one source of income is at the very least a wise idea, and for many a necessity. Obviously there are countless ways to have multiple sources of income, but there are only so many hours in a day, and working just 1 job probably already takes up a fair amount of that time. Working 2 jobs is hard, and very stressful. In most average families both partners work, but at the end of the day, how much income do you really have, and more importantly, how much time do you spend earning an income rather than having a life??

That's where residual income can really ma

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Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Facebook Marketing: Boon or Bane?

Multi-level marketing businesses are now employing the aid of several different strategies that help them make an impact in the thriving industry. Most network marketers look into what is most likely to appeal to a wider audience and utilize these tools. With the great clamor for social networking sites, network marketers are now using Facebook to help them, achieve their endeavors.

Technology has truly changed the human person and society. The way people accomplish commonplace tasks have been altered by the advent of technological advancements that have ensued from the various research and s

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5 Lessons of Leadership Learned From An Affiliate Program

An affiliate program for anyone, but especially for a new affiliate marketer, really is much more than an income tool. Certainly any entrepreneur is always concerned with generating revenue. Yes a successful affiliate program could accomplish that. For a new affiliate marketer, much more is needed to reach the success they seek. Any successful affiliate marketer, as well, as most affiliate programs are fueled by affiliates who are willing & eagere to refer others to the programs they are a part of. Truly successful affiliate marketers are leaders. Through their leadership, they seek, and t

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Find Success With Jockey Person to Person

Jockey Person to Person is among the many MLM businesses that are appearing on the horizon almost instantaneously. These MLM businesses are proliferating so since more and more people embark on their very own MLM journey, and most of these people are looking for unique opportunities to make money. MLM companies then strive to offer something different that will help set them apart from, the crowd and lure in clientele. However, all MLM companies function on the premise that individuals who partake in the business as retailers are not paid any salary whatsoever but are rewarded commissions for

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3 Character Traits of Every Successful Network Marketing Professional

It's a fact that the ratio of people who really become successful in the network marketing business is a lot lower than what most people expect but this is because of two main elements. The first element is because they did not yet grasp the essence of network marketing and the second element is that they lack the three essential character traits that mark a successful network marketer.

Below are the essential character traits that you will find in most successful network marketers. You could be hard-working and diligent but without these traits you'll always hit a dead-end. They are the trai

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Can a Network Marketing Program Be Successful?

Becoming involved with a network marketing program can potentially lead to a considerable amount of financial success. Those of you with the ability to network with others, paired with commitment, can actually pursue a fruitful career in this unique marketing field. In a nutshell, the more people you introduce the network marketing program to, the better.

Potential product users or fellow marketers can be recruited everywhere. Your introduction could be at a simple house party or a company luncheon. If you're willing to commit to network marketing and aim for maximum exposure, you will give y

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4 Internet Marketing Tips For a Successful Online Home Business

1. Building back links - In order for you to be successful with your online business, you have to promote your website. How am I going to do it? Well, when you think about it, the internet is nothing else than a mass of links and back links. For example, when your website URL is placed on another webmaster's site, it is a very valuable link. In order to get a high ranking within the search engines, it is important to get as many back links as possible. There are many ways to build back links for your site. Some of the examples are article marketing, exchanging links with other similar sites th

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Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Affiliate Marketing And Me

If you want to do anything, like to be a part of an Affiliate Marketing group for example, you just have to start. You may have some hesitation about joining such a group and there are valid reasons why you are. However, if you are somewhat educated about this type of marketing the process is much easier than you might think.

To get you started, I have some valuable tips about Affiliate Marketing that I would like to share with you. I would like to start off with a phrase that Bill Murray has stated which is "It really doesn't matter". Why would I be saying this when it really does? Because i

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7 Steps To Online Success

The 7 steps to online success is what you really need to do if your going to do well online. When you break it down to simple terms it's really not that complicated. In fact it's simple. Everybody wants a internet business or a work from home business but few can figure out how it is done.

Before we get into the 7 steps to online success let's go back in time first. The industrial revolution which was a 100 year boom of change shaped the world that we live in today. There were countless advances in technology from 1750 through 1850 and it effected the daily lives of many different cultures ac

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6 Reasons Why You Must Be In a Network Marketing Business

Network marketing is the last bastion of the free enterprise. It has given everyday ordinary people a chance to feature in the league of big money. The dream of attaining financial freedom within a short 5 years has been made possible for the poor and middle class people through this industry. Network marketing just like most of the industries, has had its share of the public gross negative criticisms and smirking. Sometime in 1889, newspaper business was facing US Congress scrutiny which was aimed at stopping the print media industry. Similarly, franchising was outlawed by the same US Congres

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Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

5 Small Business Opportunities You Can Look Into

If you are looking for opportunities to start your own business, there are plenty of potential business ideas you can look into that offers high profitability, with less capital requirements. However, most of these business opportunities require specific skills and if you possess any of it, you can easily start your own and succeed. Below are five small business opportunities that may be ideal for your personal skills to become a self made entrepreneur.

1. Information Researcher

Information researchers are professionals who utilize their research skills in order to obtain various types of in

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5 Lessons of Leadership Learned From An Affiliate Program

An affiliate program for anyone, but especially for a new affiliate marketer, really is much more than an income tool. Certainly any entrepreneur is always concerned with generating revenue. Yes a successful affiliate program could accomplish that. For a new affiliate marketer, much more is needed to reach the success they seek. Any successful affiliate marketer, as well, as most affiliate programs are fueled by affiliates who are willing & eagere to refer others to the programs they are a part of. Truly successful affiliate marketers are leaders. Through their leadership, they seek, and t

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Met for the Second Time

It started last spring when my daughter signed on to the Internet.She found it very interesting and kept asking me to try it. At age50, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to learn what I would need toknow. I kept declining.Finally, after some encouragement and being reminded of how I hadlearned to use the computer, I conceded. I have to admit that it wasvery enjoyable and I found so many interesting things.Then one day, I typed in the word "adoption" on a search engine. Icouldn't believe all the stuff that came up. I became obsessed. You see, I had a baby boy when I was a teen

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3 Audacious and Creative Ideas to Acquire Network Marketing Training

Do you need network marketing training? Well everybody in the MLM industry should. In every 100 internet marketers out there, only 3 of them are earning enough to call multilevel marketing a job. Network marketing is a difficult job to get money out of it. However, it is more rewarding in case that you will be able to be a top network marketer. If you have a solid MLM business, it is like having a permanent insurance that never expires. Well, not literally, but as long as you work on your business and do relevant trainings it will keep you earning as long you do it.

1. Doing training on the i

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Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

4 Internet Marketing Tips For a Successful Online Home Business

1. Building back links - In order for you to be successful with your online business, you have to promote your website. How am I going to do it? Well, when you think about it, the internet is nothing else than a mass of links and back links. For example, when your website URL is placed on another webmaster's site, it is a very valuable link. In order to get a high ranking within the search engines, it is important to get as many back links as possible. There are many ways to build back links for your site. Some of the examples are article marketing, exchanging links with other similar sites th

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Live the Moment

The Zen story goes of a man who, fleeing a tiger, jumped over a cliff to escape, grabbed a vine and hung suspended from the side saw another tiger gazing hungrily up.

In a moment of surre of the cliff. While the tiger pawed down at him, glancing below he saw another tiger gazing hungrily up.

In a moment of surrender, the man looked to a solitary flower growing from the cliff.


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3 Exciting Reasons Why Becoming an Entrepreneur Can Work for You

Becoming and Entrepreneur of you own home based business has enormous potential, and opens so many doors of opportunities. Think of some of the most famous Entrepreneurs you know. They all started out just like you - a person with big dreams and ideas. The difference between them and everyone else - THEY TOOK ACTION. They were prepared to take risks to earn success. You can too...

Why will becoming an Entrepreneur work for you? Well it's as simples as 1,2,3.

Make moneyMake a differenceEnjoy life

Have you ever thought "There's more to life", have you wanted there to be more to your life? If

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An Autoresponder Is Crucial To Your MLM Success

There is one thing that's in the mind of every Network Marketer. What can I do to sponsor a lot of people into my business? This is one of the most common questions because it is one that completely affects whether or not you will be successful.

In order for you to succeed in MLM you must keep one thing in mind. You need to have a lot of fresh prospects looking at your business continually. This can be an overwhelming task and it has always been.

You must always be in alert to send information to your email list about your business. The more exposure you give them the better assuming you hav

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Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

3 Reasons To Start A Home Based Business

Owning your own home based business has many advantages, and can help boost your income, who doesn't like that idea. What's one of the most common answers when you ask someone what they wish they had more of?


Don't we all. In fact in today's tough times, we all need more money, but how do we get it and how much more do we need. While everyone's answer will differ, the end result is still the same, we need more. whether it is just to make ends meet, or to have a better and more fulfilling lifestyle.

So what are some of the reasons why people start a home based business:

More money

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Subhuti and the Flower Shower

Subhuti was Buddha's disciple. He was able to understand the potency ofemptiness, that nothing exists except inits relationship of subjectivity and objectivity. One day, in a mood ofsublime emptiness, Subhuti was restingunderneath a tree when flowers began to fall about him.

"We are praising you for your discourse on emptiness," the gods whisperedto Subhuti.

"But I have not spoken of emptiness," replied Subhuti.

"You have not spoken of emptiness, we have not heard emptiness," respondedthe gods. "This is the trueemptiness." The blossoms showered upon Subhuti as rain.

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Are You a Bucket-Filler or a Dipper?

You have heard of the cup that overflowed. This is a story of a bucket thatis like the cup, only larger, it is an invisible bucket. Everyone has one.It determines how we feel about ourselves, about others, and how we getalong with people. Have you ever experienced a series of very favorablethings which made you want to be good to people for a week? At that time,your bucket was full.

A bucket can be filled by a lot of things that happen. When a person speaksto you, recognizing you as a human being, your bucket is filled a little.Even more if he calls you by name, especially if it is the name y

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My Brother, My Stranger

Two different worlds, yet bonded by one manby the warm touch of our father's handI kept him with me, in my lifeknowing you needed him through all your struggles and strifenow all I can do is dwell on years I let go byI realize brother you have left me; it is time for you to flybut why, you were so youngwhy didn't I get to know you, the years were so short yet so longI recall as a child looking into your eyes and you into mineand somehow feeling safe as you whispered "baby everything will be fine."I can still hear you know from heaven up aboveyou are saying that in God and in Heaven you will al

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The Miss of Love

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in the moonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of a God and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Her touch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I cry praying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someone knew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are the only memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's tim

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Senin, 03 Juni 2013


Live what you love, and love what you live. Anything less is a painful and frustrating waste of your precious time.

Don’t just be an image or a concept or an imitation. Be real, be authentic, pushed forward by rich, driving desires, dreams and goals.

Put all of your heart and your spirit into this day, into your work, into the big things and the little ones. Instead of complaining that you don’t have enough, celebrate the magnificent truth that you are enough.

You are enough,

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013


WAKTU masih kecil, Anda mungkin pernah mendengar kisah adaptasi ‘The Little Engine That Could’? Buku itu bercerita tentang kereta api yang bergerak ke bukit dengan perlahan dan tersendat. Lokomotifnya berkata pada diri sendiri, “Aku bisa, aku bisa, aku bisa.” Kereta pun terus bergerak perlahan naik hingga tiba di bukit dengan selamat. Pelajaran sederhana yang dapat diberikan ialah: percayalah pada kemampuan diri sendiri. Seandainya lokomotif itu tidak percaya akan kemampuannya tiba di atas bukit, bisa jadi kisah dalam buku itu berakhir menyedihkan. Bukan hanya lokomotif itu saja yang d

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Can You Ever Love Me for Me?

Can you ever love me for me?For the me that I am true and trueCan you love me with my imperfections?Can you see me as I am and not as what you want me to be?Can you ever love me for me?For the me that makes mistakes and speaks without thinkingCan you love me even when I am unreasonable?Can you see me as I am and not for the Angel you seek?Can you ever love me for me?For the me that cries when a stranger child is hurtCan you love me when I am sad without me having a reason to be?Can you see me as I am not as what I once was?Can you ever love me for me?

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Integrity of \"Ugly\", The

Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly wasthe resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting,eating garbage, and, shall we say, love.

The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside hadtheir effect on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye and where theother should have been was a gaping hole. He was also missing his ear onthe same side, his left foot appeared to have been badly broken at onetime, and had healed at an unnatural angle, making him look like he wasalways turning the corner. His tail has long age been lost, leav

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Death of a Hero

The accompanying illustration tells a story my mother told me as a youngster. Don't be hasty. Weigh things carefully before you strike. When your blood pressure gets up, count ten. "School Thy Feelings, Oh, My Brother" is one of the best bits of advice ever given. Beware of mistakes made in taking too seriously circumstantial evidence. Think before you act. Don't forget that truth is very often stranger than fiction.

This trapper's wife was brought to the Alaska wilderness. She was cut down by death. Their child was about two years old. To go out in the woods in the course of this trapping,

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Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Kekuatan Keberanian Mengambil Risiko

03 Januari 2006 – 11:00    (Andrie Wongso)   Diposting oleh: Editor

Action & Wisdom Motivation Training

Dalam perjalanan hidup Jenderal Sun Tzu dikisahkan bahwa betapa strategi perang terus untuk mencapai kemenangan itu bisa berubah detik demi detik, demi mengimbangi atau menganntisipasi perubahan strategi musuh. Strategi ini berpijak pada dasar pemikiran bahwa cara terbaik untuk menang perang adalah dengan menguasai kemampuan membaca jalan pikiran ahli strategi musuh. Dan barangsiapa mengetahui jalan pikir musuh dan mengetahui titik-titik kelemahannya, dipastiikan dia bisa

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Can Introverts Make It in Network Marketing?

OK, I fess up. I'm a raging introvert. I am not social. I don't go to parties (and I never get invited), I don't spontaneously chat to people in shops, and I don't talk to the neighbours (who are they?). Oh, and I am not a 'joiner' - I ain't a member of anything.

My late wife used to call me one sick puppy. But don't blame me. My mum is exactly the same, as was her dad. I blame them. Ha ha.

Yet I make money every day, working from home, selling stuff over the internet. And even though I am an introvert I do talk to people by phone regularly - and I'm really good at it. If they're quality peo

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Recovering Pessimist\'s Story, A

Tonight my mother and I were driving down the road. She was speedingunintentionally as she often does. Now you can guess what happened next.She got pulled over. My mom was really embarrassed. She lives in a smalltown, and this could cause quite a bit of talk. Anyway, she was stressedand she snapped at me. I was extremely upset. Her comment had really hurtme, after all I was just trying to help.

Now, all you optimists out there are always saying things like "Oh,you can choose to be happy... it's all in attitude and your mind..." Neverseemed to apply to me. Tonight however, I lear

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House of 1000 Mirrors, The

Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as theHouse of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of thisplace and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily upthe stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through thedoorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as itcould. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast ashis. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 greatsmiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thoughtto himself, "This i

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Secrets of Heaven and Hell, The

The old monk sat by the side of the road. With his eyes closed, hislegs crossed and his hands folded in his lap, he sat. In deep meditation,he sat.

Suddenly his zazen was interrupted by the harsh and demanding voiceof a samurai warrior. "Old man! Teach me about heaven and hell!"

At first, as though he had not heard, there was no perceptibleresponse from the monk. But gradually he began to open his eyes, thefaintest hint of asmile playing around the corners of his mouth as the samurai stood there,waitingimpatiently, growing more and more agitated with each passing second.

"You wish to know

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Optimistic Spirit

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractiveyoung woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of theseats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her wasempty. Then she's settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap andrested her cane against her leg.

It had been a year since Susan, thirty-four, became blind. Due to amedical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she wassuddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration andself-pity.

Once a fiercely independe

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Optimist, The

There is a story of identical twins. One was a hope-filled optimist. "Everything is coming up roses!" he would say. The other twin was a sad and hopeless pessimist. He thought that Murphy, as in Murphy's Law, was an optimist. The worried parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist.

He suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins" personalities. "On their next birthday, put them in separate rooms to open their gifts. Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure." The parents followed these instructions and carefully observed the

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Optimist, The

There is a story of identical twins. One was a hope-filled optimist. "Everything is coming up roses!" he would say. The other twin was a sad and hopeless pessimist. He thought that Murphy, as in Murphy's Law, was an optimist. The worried parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist.

He suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins" personalities. "On their next birthday, put them in separate rooms to open their gifts. Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure." The parents followed these instructions and carefully observed the

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Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

The Miss of Love

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in the moonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of a God and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Her touch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I cry praying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someone knew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are the only memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's tim

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Oh, How I Loved Her

The clergyman was finishing the graveside service.Suddenly, the 78-year-old man whose wife of 50 years hadjust died began screaming in a thick accent, "Oh, oh, oh,how I loved her!" His mournful wail interrupted thedignified quiet of the ceremony. The other family andfriends standing around the grave looked shocked andembarrassed. His grown children, blushing, tried to shushtheir father. "It's okay, Dad; we understand, Shush." Theold man stared fixedly at the casket lowering slowly intothe grave. The clergyman went on. Finishing, he invited thefamily to shovel some dirt onto the coffin as a mar

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Wealth, Success, and Love

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men withlong white beards sitting in her front yard. She didnot recognize them.She said "I don't think I know you, but you must behungry. Please come in and have something to eat."Is the man of the house home?", they asked."No", she said. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in,"they replied.In the evening when her husband came home, she toldhim what had happened. "Go tell them I am home andinvite them in!" The woman went out and invited themen in."We do not go into a house together," they replied."Why is that?" she wanted to know.On

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Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Full Moon

As I sat on the park bench enjoying the cool night air and gazing at thepeople who were taking a break from the rest of the world, two young lovers passed me by. And I overheard the woman say, "Honey, why can't the moon always be this full and beautiful as it is tonight?"

He replied, "I don't know dear, but I am glad we were blessed enough to seeanother one together."And that made me, well at first shed a tear at their exchanged words, butthen it made me ask myself, "Why doesn't it?"

Then, of course, knowing me, I thought and thought some more. Then Iconcluded, how can we ask the moon tocons

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Can You Ever Love Me for Me?

Can you ever love me for me?For the me that I am true and trueCan you love me with my imperfections?Can you see me as I am and not as what you want me to be?Can you ever love me for me?For the me that makes mistakes and speaks without thinkingCan you love me even when I am unreasonable?Can you see me as I am and not for the Angel you seek?Can you ever love me for me?For the me that cries when a stranger child is hurtCan you love me when I am sad without me having a reason to be?Can you see me as I am not as what I once was?Can you ever love me for me?

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Samurai and a Zen Master, A

A samurai, a very proud warrior, came to see a Zen Master one day. Thesamurai was very famous, butlooking at the beauty of the Master and the Grace of the moment, hesuddenly felt inferior.

He said to the Master, "Why am I feeling inferior? Just a moment agoeverything was okay. As I entered your court suddenly Ifelt inferior. I have never felt like that before. I have faced death manytimes, and I have never felt any fear -- why am I nowfeeling frightened?"

The Master said, "Wait. When everyone else has gone, I will answer. "

People continued the whole day to come and see the Master, and the

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Vibration of Love

Lori, our precious daughter, you are sleeping soundly in your room, onceagain oblivious to the adventure you are about to undertake. But this time,you are not starting to school, becoming a teenager, or flirting with yourfirst admirer, as when I've written you before. This time, your adventurewill not start out as exciting or wonderful. For, this time, you will becomedeaf.

I thought if I wrote it down like I usually do, it would be easier. I waswrong. The reality is that you will not just have a "little problemhearing,"as we have frequently explained to our guests. But, by the time you begin

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Second Time Around, The

At the age of 18, I married for the first time. After almost 24 years oftumultuous havoc that nearly cost me my life, that marriage ended indivorce. I swore that I would never again care enough about anyone to letthem into my life as a marriage partner; the earlier years of abuse weretoo painful. For several years, that resolve was not difficult to keep.Then one day at church as I left the sanctuary heading toward my Sundayschool class, I spotted a man who was a head taller than most of the crowd.He was bald and wore glasses, and there was no particular reason to noticehim. In class, there

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Senin, 27 Mei 2013

All I Really Wanted To Say

Who is this woman I am talking toshe makes no sense to meshe's not as strong or activeas she used to be.She sits a lot each day nowin her favorite chairthe little things that bothered herno longer seem to care.She talks when she's not spoken toto someone I can't seeI wonder who is this womancan someone please tell me.I wonder who this woman isthat's been around me so very longshe was once young and ableand she was beautiful, and strongshe'd tuck me in my bed at nightwhen it was dark, and late.She would cook me the best foodthat I have ever atebut now when I look at this womanI f

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Lovely Coincidence

In 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in a concentration camp. He was tall, thin but had a bright smile. Every day, a young girl came by on the other side of the fence. She noticed the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish, and he said yes. She said he'd looked hungry, and he said he was. She then reached in her pocket and gave him her apple. He thanked her and she went on her way. The next day, she came by again, bringing with her another apple which she gave him. Each day, she walked by the outside of the fence, hoping to see him, and when she did, she happily handed him an apple in exchange f

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Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

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Not My Boss

I've heard the phrase "All boss's are jerks" several times through out mylife. Granted I've agreed with that statement once or twice during myworking years. But over all that is not how I feel about my present boss.

My mother and I work in the same plant together. She's been there almosttwenty years. I've been there less than ten. It was in 1990, my senior yearin high school, that I realized what kind of man this boss was.

My grandmother, my mom's mother, past away the morning of February 19,1990. It was a very unexpected death that traumatized the family. Ofcourse, everyone in the family

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Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Appointment with Love

Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over theinformation booth in Grand Central Station. The tall young Armylieutenant who had just come from the direction of the trackslifted his sunburned face, and his eyes narrowed to note theexact time. His heart was pounding with a beat that shocked himbecause he could not control it. In six minutes, he would see thewoman who had filled such a special place in his life for thepast 13 months, the woman he had never seen, yet whose writtenwords had been with him and sustained him unfailingly.

He placed himself as close as he could to the informat

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Letting Go

There was once a lonely girl who longed desperately for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving song birds. She took them home and put them in a small glided cage. She nurtured them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a marvellous song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever.

One day the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her. She was so frightened that he would fly awa

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

House of 1000 Mirrors, The

Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as theHouse of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of thisplace and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily upthe stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through thedoorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as itcould. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast ashis. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 greatsmiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thoughtto himself, "This i

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Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Beauty and Love

Whenever Beauty looks, Love is also there;

Whenever beauty shows a rosy cheek Love lights Her fire from that flame.

When beauty dwells in the dark folds of night Love comes and finds a heart entangled in tresses.

Beauty and Love are as body and soul. Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond. They have together

since the beginning of time-Side by side, step by step.

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Love Installation

A step by step guide to installing love on the human machine.

Customer: I can do that. I'm not very technical, but I think I amready to install now. What do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your HEART. Have you locatedyour HEART ma'am?

Customer: Yes I have, but there are several programs running rightnow. Is it okay to install while they are running?

Tech Support: What programs are running ma'am?

Customer: Let me see... I have PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE,and RESENTMENT.COM running right now.

Tech Support: No problem. LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

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My Hero

Their once lived an angelWho watched over me day by dayFor I once was her little angelWhen I went out to play

And when the sun went downShe tucked me into sleepFor she was the one who had the crownAnd who will always be mine to keep

She made me laugh and cry with herAnd was always my best friendFor one day when I was not to stirHer life on this earth would end

I spent sleepless nights thinking alone"Why God did you take my only one?"and he never answered or called on the phone"For her time on this earth was done"

My hero conquered her toughest fearThis earth she did adjournI know today tha

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Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Wealth, Success, and Love

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men withlong white beards sitting in her front yard. She didnot recognize them.She said "I don't think I know you, but you must behungry. Please come in and have something to eat."Is the man of the house home?", they asked."No", she said. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in,"they replied.In the evening when her husband came home, she toldhim what had happened. "Go tell them I am home andinvite them in!" The woman went out and invited themen in."We do not go into a house together," they replied."Why is that?" she wanted to know.On

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Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Love Can Last Forever

I can honestly say it was the best of times and theworst of times. I was joyfully expecting my first child atthe same time that my once-energetic, zestful mother was losingher battle with a brain tumor.For ten years, my fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries ortreatments had been successful. Still, she never lost her ability tosmile. But now, finally, at only fifty-five, she becametotally disabled -- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on herown.As she grew closer and closer to death, my baby grewcloser and closer to life inside me. My big

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Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

6 Indicators of What a Qualified Prospect Looks Like

Do you ever stop and wonder what makes a qualified prospect right for your business? What does a qualified prospect look like, say, or do that makes them the perfect partner that you are looking for that will become a future leader in your organization? Although there are no guarantees that a prospect will ever work out to become the leader that you are looking for, you can still use these 6 indicators to figure out if they are even worth recruiting at all.

Here are the 6 indicators:

1) Discretionary income

Something that all qualified prospects share in common is that they have discretio

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Optimistic Spirit

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractiveyoung woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of theseats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her wasempty. Then she's settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap andrested her cane against her leg.

It had been a year since Susan, thirty-four, became blind. Due to amedical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she wassuddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration andself-pity.

Once a fiercely independe

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Optimistic Spirit

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractiveyoung woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of theseats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her wasempty. Then she's settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap andrested her cane against her leg.

It had been a year since Susan, thirty-four, became blind. Due to amedical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she wassuddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration andself-pity.

Once a fiercely independe

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Appointment with Love

Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over theinformation booth in Grand Central Station. The tall young Armylieutenant who had just come from the direction of the trackslifted his sunburned face, and his eyes narrowed to note theexact time. His heart was pounding with a beat that shocked himbecause he could not control it. In six minutes, he would see thewoman who had filled such a special place in his life for thepast 13 months, the woman he had never seen, yet whose writtenwords had been with him and sustained him unfailingly.

He placed himself as close as he could to the informat

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Wealth, Success, and Love

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men withlong white beards sitting in her front yard. She didnot recognize them.She said "I don't think I know you, but you must behungry. Please come in and have something to eat."Is the man of the house home?", they asked."No", she said. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in,"they replied.In the evening when her husband came home, she toldhim what had happened. "Go tell them I am home andinvite them in!" The woman went out and invited themen in."We do not go into a house together," they replied."Why is that?" she wanted to know.On

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Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

[ Kumpulan Video, Audio dan Kisah Inspirasi/Motivasi: ]

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Miss of Love, The

The miss of a lost love can darken the soul. Wishing to see her in themoonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. Her walk was of aGod and her eyes were of the dove. Lost am I in this world without her. Hertouch her sound the kiss of forever and the words that came to be.

She died in my arms, and the pain will never go away. Some nights I crypraying for her to be here, but only alone I come to be. If only someoneknew how the pain burns like fire slowly burning the heart. Tears are theonly memory of her and her smile.

No cure could be found and it was only up to God's time. So ma

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From Yesterday for Today

Scholars, businessmen, leaders - these people of stature the Jewish peoplehaven't lacked. From theleaders and innovators in the biblical times until the present, both in thereligious and secular world, we havegiven more than our proportional share to the benefit of mankind. In whichever venue that you look, youwill see Jewish leaders. Finance, politics, science and medicine, are welacking names? Yet there was oneperson who lived about 150 years ago, who was just the opposite; he was aanti-leader, or an anti-scholar.

Mencachem Mendel of Kotzk, was a Chassidic leader of legendary proportion.Yet

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Minggu, 19 Mei 2013


LET GO OF DEMAND Apa sih, yang sebenarnya membuat Anda marah dan kecewa? Apakah seseorang yang memotong antrian di depan Anda? Pengemudi iseng yang memprovokasi Anda di jalanan? Komputer yang hanya untuk di-boot saja terasa begitu lama? Handphone yang harus berganti setiap bulan dua kali karena terus dicuri? Orang yang mengejek dan mempermainkan Anda? Hujan sepanjang hari? Tagihan bejibun yang membuat Anda marah sampai ke ubun-ubun? Bukan, bukan itu semua. Apa yang membuat Anda marah dan kecewa adalah "tuntutan yang kekanak-kanakan" dan "ekspektasi yang tidak realistis". Saat Anda masih bayi,

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Seorang raja berjalan kaki melihat-lihat keadaan ibu kota. Di jalan depan istana, kakinya terluka karena menginjak batu tajam. “Jalan di depan istana ini sangat buruk. Aku harus memperbaikinya,” begitu pikirnya. Maka, Sang Raja segera merumuskan proyek untuk memperbaiki jalan di depan istana itu. Ia ingin jalan itu dilapisi dengan kulit sapi terbaik, agar siapapun yang melewatinya tidak terluka. Persiapan mengumpulkan sapi-sapi di seluruh negeri dilakukan. Di tengah kesibukan luar biasa itu, seorang pertapa menghadap raja dan berkata, “Wahai Paduka. Mengapa Paduka mengorbankan sekian ban

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Daddy Doesn\'t Want to Play with Me!

Once there was a little boy who wanted his dad to teach him how to play catch. One sunny day the little boy's father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, while watching a baseball game. The boy rushed into the house exclaiming

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, show me how to play catch!" The father, blankly starring at the television screen, replied " In a little while son, let me finish watching this inning, come back in five minutes."

"Okay daddy" said the boy and ran out of the room. Five minutes later the boy returned screaming "Daddy, let's go, let's play some catch now!"

The father turne

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Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Lunch Bag, The

(A true story of Robert Fulghum and his 7-year-old daughter Molly)

It was Molly's job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag eachmorning before he headed off to work. One morning, in addition to his usuallunch bag, Molly handed him a second paper bag. This one was worn and heldtogether with duct tape, staples, and paper clips.

"Why two bags" Fulghum asked.

"The other is something else," Molly answered.

"What's in it?"

"Just some stuff. Take it with you."

Not wanting to hold court over the matter, Fulghum stuffed both sacks intohis briefcase, kissed Molly and rushed off. At midday,

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Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Appointment with Love

Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over theinformation booth in Grand Central Station. The tall young Armylieutenant who had just come from the direction of the trackslifted his sunburned face, and his eyes narrowed to note theexact time. His heart was pounding with a beat that shocked himbecause he could not control it. In six minutes, he would see thewoman who had filled such a special place in his life for thepast 13 months, the woman he had never seen, yet whose writtenwords had been with him and sustained him unfailingly.

He placed himself as close as he could to the informat

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Waduh masih seminggu lagi gajiannya. Bulan ini pengeluaran tak terdugaku bukan main banyaknya. Ada saja biaya tambahan yang harus dikeluarkan. Ibu yang sakit, saudara yang butuh bantuan, dan masih banyak lagi. Uang hanya tinggal Rp. 50.000,- lagi, padahal 7 hari lagi baru terima gaji. Kepalaku pusing tujuh keliling. Bagaimana mengelola kebutuhanku selama seminggu ini, terutama untuk makan dan transport. Aku memeriksa persediaan makanan di dapur. Dan yang kutemui hanya beras yang kurasa cukup untuk seminggu. Hatiku sedikit lega. Lauk pauk, tak usah terlalu repot. Aku bisa makan dengan garam, ke

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I Love You, Honey (2)

They have been married for two years. He loves literature, and often posts his work on the net, but nobody ever reads them. He is also into photography, and he handle their wedding photos. He loves her very much. Likewise with her. She has a quick temper, and always bullies him. He is a gentleman, and always gives in to her. Today, she's being "willful" again.

Her: "Why can't you be the photographer for my friend's wedding? She promised she'd pay." Him: "I don't have time that day." Her: "Humph!" Him: "Huh?" Her: "Don't have time? Write less of those novels, and you will have all the time yo

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My Love

My Love,

You've asked what you can send me while I'm on cruise; those thingswhich I want but cannot get while on the ship thousands of miles away. Thelist was fairly easy to write. I suspect that it won't be so easy to fill the order.

Please send me autumn. Fill a box with that special chill the eveningsget that forebodes the cold of winter, that Jack Frost nip. Add the colorsof fall: theyellows, reds and browns of leaves whose cycle of life has ended. Send methe sound they make asyou shuffle through ankle-deep blankets of them scattered across the yard.Be sureto wrap some of the fragrant sm

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Kamis, 16 Mei 2013


1. KESUKSESAN TIDAK ADA KAITANNYA DENGAN USIA ANDA ! - Nelson Mandela, baru jadi presiden pada usia 76 tahun setelah masuk bui selama 27 Thn. - Steve Jobbs, sudah jadi jutawan usia 21 tahun - Kolonel Sanders (KFC), memulai bisnis pd umur 65 tahun - Winston Churchill, Seringkali gagal dan banyak hambatan, baru baru jadi PM Inggris usia 52 tahun. - Bill Gates, sudah jadi manusia terkaya di dunia usia 41 tahun. -- 2. KESUKSESAN TIDAK ADA KAITANNYA DENGAN SUKU, AGAMA,BANGSA, WARNA KULIT DAN KETURUNAN. - Barrack Obama : Keturunan Kulit Hitam pertama yg jadi Presiden Amerika Serikat saat ini - Jende

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